Saturday, June 23, 2012

Album Review: Walk the Moon

Anna Sun by Walk The Moon

The self-titled album from Ohio based WALK THE MOON is the album I didn't know I was waiting for all year. I'd heard a few of their tracks before from their EP "I Want! I Want!", and a couple of them appear on the album, so I decided to check it out.

It's really hard for me to just pick out the highlights because, seriously, it's incredible. From the danceable lead track "Quesadilla", you're hooked. Every track has something to offer, but personal favorites include "Next In Line" (featuring a driving rhythm and some nice guitar riffs) and "Jenny" (coincidentally strikes me as a dancier version of The Killers' "Jenny Was A Friend Of Mine").

The only time I doubted was during the slowed-down "Iscariot". Don't get me wrong, I love a more relaxed track, but one of my biggest pet peeves is when everyone (drums, bass, guitar, keyboards, voice, everything) is in rhythmic unison with short, spaced out phrases. I've never really enjoyed it, and that's how "Iscariot" starts off. As I was listening, I was thinking of skipping the track, but then WALK THE MOON is all like, "Hey Anthony, we got your back. We're gonna keep it slow, but here's a little bit of drums to spice things up a bit."

The album finishes off with the new and improved recording of "I Can Lift a Car", a gradual crescendo of energy that concludes the album perfectly. At only $6.99 on iTunes, this album is absolutely worth the purchase. Check out the included tracks, listen to the previews if you want, but you will not be disappointed if you just buy whole thing and press play from the beginning.

EXCLUSIVE STREAM: "I Can Lift A Car" by Walk The Moon