Tuesday, June 19, 2012

The Shins--Sleeping Lessons (RAC Remix)

RAC (Remix Artist Collective) never disappoints me. Every once and a while I will find a song that I love to death, that I can't possibly imagine being any better, and RAC will make it into something incredible. That's not to say they improve on it; RAC has a particular gift for making you listen to a track from a different perspective, and "Sleeping Lessons" is no exception. This is one of my favorite songs by The Shins, and has always evoked a strong mental visualization, for lack of a better term.

Those I've talked to about The Shins, and specifically Sleeping Lessons, have oft heard me say that the song makes me feel like I'm inside a raindrop. You start out in a little droplet of water, falling from the sky, picking up speed, then finally hit the ground and burst into awesome.

The RAC remix works backwards, kind of. You start out on the ground, laying in the field, and then you start getting slowly pulled up towards the heavens, ascending and ascending, gazing in awe at all that is around you, until right you plant your feet firmly on the clouds and start dancing will all your homies and homettes.

If you think I'm crazy, you're right, but check out the track anyway. It's an awesome twist on an already incredible song. And while you're at it, check out RAC's site; there's tons of stuff you can sink your teeth into.

The Shins - Sleeping Lessons (RAC Mix) by RAC